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A woman diligently writing on a legal document related to immigration protections for undocumented individuals in Texas. - R. Ramirez Attorneys and CounselorsIn this article, you can discover…

  • Who is eligible for Biden’s 20204 immigration protections.
  • Residency requirements to qualify for these protections. 
  • How an attorney can help you understand and benefit from these changes to the law.

What Are The Basic Eligibility Criteria For Biden’s Immigration Protections?

To be eligible for Biden’s 2024 Immigration Protections, you must meet the following three basic requirements. You must…

  • Have entered the United States without inspection
  • Have been continually present in the United States for at least 10 years from June 18, 2024 
  • And have been legally and validly married to a US citizen prior to June 18, 2024. 

Are There Any Age Requirements For The Applicants?

There are no age requirements or limits for applicants. So long as you can provide a valid marriage certificate showing marriage to your US citizen spouse, you should be able to apply readily. 

Does The Executive Action Cover Individuals With A Criminal Record?

It may or may not. This depends greatly on what type of criminal activity you have on your record. Upcoming regulations drafted by the Department of Homeland Security will define which types or classes of criminal activities disqualify a person from applying. 

Can Individuals Currently In Removal Proceedings Apply?

Undocumented people in removal proceedings may apply as long as they meet the requirements of the new program. Once you apply for protection, you are given a parole document which may protect you from deportation so long as… 

  • You have no prior order of removal
  • You have no prior immigration encounters
  • You have no disqualifying criminal history, and 
  • No factors in your background or present demonstrate bad moral character.

Are DACA Recipients Automatically Eligible For These New Protections?

Yes, DACA recipients who are married to a US citizen prior to June 18, 2024, and who meet all other residence and legal requirements are eligible for these protections. 

What Happens If An Individual Does Not Meet All Of The Criteria?

If you do not meet one of the criteria outlined above, whether in regard to marriage, residency, prior immigration encounters, criminal history, or moral character, you are not eligible for the program. 

If you apply without being eligible, your application will likely be rejected, and you will not be able to benefit from these protections.

How Can Undocumented People In Texas Verify Their Eligibility?

The best thing to do is to consult with an immigration attorney. They can review the specifics of your case, help you determine if you have a qualifying marriage, and look into any other factors that may impact your eligibility for these immigration protections. 

For more information on Biden’s 2024 Executive Action: Keeping American Families Together, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (956) 766-4000 today.

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