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An immigration law book alongside a gavel - R. Ramirez Attorneys and CounselorsIn this article, you can discover…

  • The main components of Biden’s executive action.
  • The protections offered by this action.
  • The next steps that undocumented people should take.

What Are The Main Components Of Biden’s Executive Action On Immigration? 

Biden’s executive action offers what’s called a “parole in place” for spouses of US citizens that have been present in the United States for at least 10 years before June 18, 2024. 

What Specific Protections Are Provided To Undocumented Individuals?

As an undocumented spouse, you will not be deported as you wait to apply for lawful permanent resident status. A work authorization document will also be given to you, and prior undocumented entry will be erased from your record. 

These protections can make it possible to apply for and receive permanent resident status in the future and can keep you and your family together through this process, reducing stress and hardship on your family. 

How Long Will These Protections Last?

The parole in place will allow you to stay in the United States for three years, giving you time to apply for permanent residence. Once you’ve applied for and become a permanent resident, this status can be renewed every 10 years. 

After becoming a lawful permanent resident, you can then apply for US citizenship within three to five years.

Can This Executive Action Prevent Deportation For Undocumented Individuals In Texas?

There is a chance that it can. Once you take advantage of this executive action, you are given a parole document, which can protect you from removal or deportation proceedings. 

Are There Any Restrictions Or Limitations To The Protections Offered?

Yes. These protections are only available to you if you have no prior order of removal or deportation, no prior immigration encounters, no disqualifying criminal history, and no factors in your background or present that could be described as showing bad moral character.

What Immediate Steps Should Undocumented Individuals In Texas Take?

To take advantage of this executive order, gather documentation that can prove that you have been in the United States for the past 10 years or more. Next, collect all identifying documents such as your birth certificate, passport, marriage certificate, and children’s birth certificate.

After you’ve gathered these documents, be sure to reach out to a knowledgeable immigration attorney who can help you navigate the next steps toward staying in the United States safely and legally.

How Can I Stay Informed About Any Updates Or Changes To This Executive Action?

The news media is a good place to stay updated, either through television or online. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) also has fact sheets that help explain how the program works and how it is going to be implemented over the coming months. 

Within the coming weeks an application form and further information about fees, terms, and conditions will be given to the public through the DHS. 

Reaching out to an immigration attorney today is the best way to help you stay informed of and benefit from this executive action, and can help pave a faster and safer path forward to permanent residence or citizenship. 

For more information on Biden’s 2024 Executive Action: Keeping American Families Together, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (956) 766-4000 today.

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