R.Ramirez Attorneys and counselors

4919 South Jackson Road
Edinburg, TX 78539

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(956) 766-4000

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Employer Compliance

It is unlawful for any US employer to hire or recruit a foreign worker for employment in the US if the employer know a foreign worker is not authorized to work in the US.

It is also unlawful for any US employer to continue to employ a foreign worker if the employer knows a foreign workers employment authorization has ended or if the employer becomes aware that a foreign worker lacks employment authorization.

ICE is the agency charged with investigating and enforcing foreign employment violations. Recent employment verification enhancements including the Worksite Enforcement program have made it necessary for employers, especially those in retail, food processing, construction and the restaurant and hospitality business to have an immigration employment compliance strategy.

Two Common Employer Violations

  1. Knowingly recruiting, hiring or continuing to employ a foreign worker that lacks employment authorization.
  2. Failing to comply with employment verification requirements.

If a violation is found, an employer can be subject to substantial monetary fines as well as other sanctions.

I-9 Verification, E-Verify, and Compliance Services

Every new employee you hire will be screened and verified prior to on on the first day of work for pay. Set up and maintenance of E-verify for qualified employers and secondary storage and routine maintenance of employee records.

Ricardo Ramirez

Call Now To Get A Detailed Case Evaluation (956) 766-4000

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